

This is a shortcut for the whole family to move to Japan at a low cost!

label: 2024-12-06

Currently, Japan has become an overseas residence for more than 900,000 Chinese, and is already one of the preferred destinations for the domestic middle class to move overseas.

People choose Japan for a variety of reasons, including geographic proximity, cultural and culinary similarities, real estate investment potential, quality education resources, excellent social benefits, and the pursuit of a diverse lifestyle.

So, what are the ways to move to Japan? The Management Visa is an ideal choice.



Japanese Management Visa

You can get the status if you start a business

The Management Visa is a status of residence for those who run a business or engage in management in Japan, and belongs to the category of work visa, which was formerly known as “Investment and Management Visa” and later renamed as “Management Visa”.

The applicant only needs to set up and operate a business in Japan to apply for a management visa.


Specifically, the applicant must register a company in Japan and submit a detailed and realistic business plan.

This company needs to fulfill the following conditions:

? Have a clear and fixed office location;

? Have a clear and sustainable business program;

? Have a registered capital of at least 5 million yen or employ at least 2 full-time employees.

It is important to note that the business has a wide range of operations covering all types of businesses within the legal field, such as trading, IT services, manufacturing and catering.

Upon obtaining a business management visa, the applicant will be granted a one-year residence status for the first time, during which time he or she will be entitled to most social benefits similar to those of Japanese nationals.

Thereafter, as long as the company is able to maintain a stable state of operation, the applicant may renew the visa, which may be for a period of one, three or five years, depending on the company's business status.

In addition, applicants are eligible to apply for Japanese citizenship after 5 years of residence in Japan, and for permanent residency after 10 years of residence in Japan.


Advantages of Japanese Management Visa

? Low cost, starting from 240,000 RMB only

The registered capital of this company established is only 5 million yen, which is approximately equivalent to RMB 240,000 (December 5, 2024, 1JPY=0.048CNY), making its initial investment cost low compared to other countries.

In recent years, Japan has continued to relax its residency policy for foreign entrepreneurs and has become more flexible in its capitalization requirements. In addition to personal funds held in hand, entrepreneurs are now allowed to raise capital through emerging corporate finance methods such as paid-up new share subscription rights (J-KISS type), which are recognized as long as the conditions are met.


? Lax application requirements

The Business Management Visa does not have strict requirements on the applicant's management experience, language ability and educational background, and its approval process is efficient with a high success rate, usually approved within 3 to 6 months.

? Enjoy favorable social welfare

As we all know, Japan is a high welfare society. This visa also enables one person to apply for the visa and the whole family to move to Japan and enjoy the excellent social benefits in Japan, including but not limited to free public education, high rate of medical reimbursement, pension protection and childcare subsidies.

If you are interested in obtaining a visa to reside in Japan through entrepreneurial means, or if you are interested in learning about other ways to relocate to Japan, please feel free to contact Nebula Sea International and we will provide you with a customized solution.

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